Insulflex® is the ONLY Insulated Flexible Duct Connector.

Energy efficient, superior construction and economically priced. Insulflex completes the “insulated” in insulated duct work. Insulflex features an “R” value of 4.2 with 25% thicker insulation, is a non-porous product that eliminates air leakage.

10173 IDC343 Insulflex Insulated Flexible Duct Connector

Gauge: 28
Dimensions: 2-3/4″ metal – 4″ fabric – 2-3/4″ metal
Roll length: 100ft roll
Seam: Guard Loc
Fabric: Flame-resistant reinforced vinyl

Fabric Features

Color: Black
Base Fabric: Polyester
Coating: Vinyl
Weight: 28 oz.
Tensile Strength:
70 lbs x 70 lbs
Tear Strength: 8 lbs x 11 lbs
Low Temp: -40ºC -40ºF
High Temp (Continuous):
82.2ºC 180ºF
Galvanized Steel
Insulation Thickness: 1″
Density: 1.34 lbs./cu.ft
Composite Materials:
2 layers of fabric encapsulating
2 layers of fabric insulation
R Value of 4.2
Guard Loc fabric to metal seam
Resistant to grease, oil, gasoline
and acid

Insulflex Flexible Duct Connector Literature Sheet

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